Sunday, May 12, 2013

Needles ready?? Let the felting begin!!

On Saturday we held a needle felting workshop for the young women in the community.  Our hope is that they can produce Fair Trade felted products (like the ornaments pictured below) to earn some extra income.  Of course, the little ones couldn't stay away... so we taught them too :)

Melissa, our artist, headed up the project and did such a great job!  Needle felting is hard work! It requires a lot of careful movements, attention, and patience - not normally traits you find in children.  But these kids really stuck it out and did an awesome job.  We'll continue this project throughout the week and hopefully have some beautiful pieces to sell at Global Gallery when we get home!

Delia and Lucy working hard!

Maribel and Sarai getting some instruction from the Master!

Some of the finished product!

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